My first Barn Owl

Let me set the scene, I had just finished work and I was set to go out bird watching after around the lakes that are situated right next to my workplace. I had my walking boots at the ready, binoculars around my neck and my camera to my side.
I saw the usual: Blue and Great Tits, Chaffinches, Black Headed Gulls, Grey-lag Geese, tufted, wigeon, Cormorants, Lapwing and i'm certain I heard a Stonechat which was also unexpected and a pleasant surprise.

We were walking back from the main lakes of the reserve and I questioned

 ' I wonder if we will see the resident Barn Owl this evening?' 

Then, a few steps ahead I couldn't believe it, I looked to my left and perched on the corner of the fence was the Barn Owl. I could not believe my eyes. I had never seen one in the wild.
Immediately, I frantically went to switch on my camera whilst fixated on the bird all meanwhile I was trying to also hold my binoculars to my eyes.

The photo was terrible but I had done it, I had seen my first barn owl.

Then upon walking to the car park it flew right past me, about a two metres away then proceeded to hunt on the field next to me.

The next day

I went back the next day after work and to my surprise, 5;00pm on the dot I turned to my left and there it was again to my left. This time I was determined to get another, better photo 
And I did. I was alone in the woods, no one around and I cannot express the sense of serenity I felt, satisfied in that moment.

I continued to walk back to the car park where a bunch of other birdwatcher gathered, I asked what they had seen and it was the Barn Owl about just under half a kilometre away. 
A smug feeling swept over me to having seen one a couple metres away.  

A magical weekend.
