My Granddad's Binoculars

For Granddad Benbow

My Granddad's binoculars,
an item I hold so dearly.
For he saw what I see through those lenses
the world as though it was painted on a canvas.
Cherished memories, moments, snapshots;
Grebes, golden eyes, teal.
The whole world of birds revealed.

My Granddad's binoculars make me view
the world differently.
Completely In the moment, present and fixated on
the birds in-front of me.
As in that moment of time, 
everything in chaotic circularity is shielded
by the outer rounded rim of the frame,
as I track the sapiential strides precariously made
by the red-crowned crane.
My eyes are held captive. 
This is otherwise known as tunnel vision, 
 an unhealthy mindset for many
strangely I am protected by it as far as nature is concerned
as the convergence
of light dims my periphery.

My Granddad's binoculars
those that I place over my eyes sincerely,
remind me I have a focus in this world.
I have a vision,
I have vision that is defined so clearly.
One where a lapwing's and nightingale's
populations are not so frail.
And the efforts of conservation prevail.

My Granddad's binoculars were handed down you see
as generations have handed the earth down before me
with visions of economic booms and growth,
loosing sight of what really matters most.

My Granddad's vision was a world where nature flourished
I strive to achieve that vision in earnest.
But for now I shall remain seeing the world
as a blue/green oyster  and nature its pearl.

Great crested grebe
