
I am not a writer and I am far from being poet but I love words and even more so I love the natural world. Often on my walks I cultivate little sayings, writings on my voice notes- thoughts I have when I am walking. It all comes from observation. Day in day out we see things and we might say 'oh look its swan'  or 'oh look its a butterfly'  but when do you ever stop to take a little closer look, map its movements, behaviour, communication. When do you ever absorb yourself into that animals world? For the mute swan is not just its name, its the white plumage turns golden in the setting sun as it lowers its neck into the water in the search for food - its partner nesting in the distance whilst, the butterfly (Peacock) basks in the warmth of the rays in solitude. Both creatures I observed were in far proximity to each other but close in elegance and beauty with the sun connecting them both. Our connection with nature ultimately should be deeper than a base level of just seeing. 

Once observed you can record and learn about what you saw - look it up! 
There is nothing more satisfying than being able to understand than the world around us. I for when seeing a bird I haven't seen before try to guess it whilst observing then when I am home I reference the pictures I took and  I do not stop searching until I find exactly what it was I saw. Learn the behaviour and why the animal does what it does. For instance the reason why butterflies bask in the sun is because they are ectotherms, which means they rely on external sources for body heat. 

This form of mindfulness or escapism deepens your understanding of the world beyond your own bubble that many of us are trapped in. I for one find it very helpful a way of switching off from my life and to be able to immerse myself in the lives to things that are so different to mine its almost a nature from another world - I almost feel compelled to write about them like many poets have done, unsurprisingly my work is considerably worse but that doesn't stop me from crafting works from scattered thoughts inspired from the world around me.

So, look up at the sky more, focus in on your surrounding more, listen more. For you do not know what you truly will discover. You might even create something beautiful out of it. 

Observe for what nature has to offer. Its free.
