New beginnings

Trying to construct a piece of writing stemming from the atmosphere in my brain that can be  so heavy feels effortless, as streams of emotion is able to flow freely from the waterfall that is my mouth. And I pride myself on how I can articulate the inner workings of my brain,  but that doesn’t mean I fully understand it. So instead ive learned to embrace things.

At the start of the year I originally created my blog for nature writing purposes however, as the year has gone on I have noticed I gravitate more towards the subject of mental health for it is something I know all too well - I have found I feel too uneducated to give information on wildlife and the environment. However, as I begin my course of wildlife conservation and environmental management at university I hope to bring more content on this subject.

This leads me to the topic of change. Change is necessary in our lives and its happening all the time, sometimes affecting us greatly - otherwise not all. At some point summer becomes autumn, swallows return to Africa, leaves start to discolour and die and day turns to night. All whilst the earths position is constantly changing and rotating. We never see this as bad do we? So why should our own lives remain stagnant? Its simple, they shouldn’t. For stagnant ponds become toxic.  

However scary change may be, its not as scary as remaining in the same place all your life. The control you have is not quashed by it and who you are is not governed by it for you have control of the change in your life because you choose how to respond to it. 

For my whole life change has been a barrier, I don’t like it to put it plain and simple and has always effected my mental health massively. But this time, Im choosing to embrace it. Im accepting it must happen in order for growth, for soon’ the the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk to blossom’

So heres to new beginnings! And I hope to bring more content soon! 
